What We Do
Through expert support, training, and resource mobilization, an indigenous infrastructure is constructed, giving the local church the ability to handle all aspects of Bible translation. Working across the world, we invest in communities, provide tools, and build infrastructure for sustainability.
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Invest in communities
and people
Provide and equip with
Bible translation training
Build infrastructure
for sustainability

Our Goal

The Word for the World envisages being instrumental in completing first-time translations of the entire Bible in 1,000 languages by 2050
Two women reading a book outsite

Where We Work

a map that highlights points in Europe, Eurasia, Asia, Northern Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa
Bible Translation Innovation
No one person, no one agency can single-handedly tackle the worldwide Bible translation needs of more than 3,000 languages still needing translation. Collaboration and innovation are key to acceleration.
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Oral Bible Translation

Oral Bible Translation (OBT) accelerates access to God's Word for the oral majority. Combining rich oral practices of internalization with the use of *Render translation software means communities have access to Scripture as the Bible is translated and approved.
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AiBT is artificial intelligence immersed Bible translation—in other words,artificial intelligence driven by and created for meeting the remaining needs in global Bible translation.

Historically, more than one-third of a Bible translator’s time is spent on initial drafts of the Scripture portions they are translating. With AiBT, first drafts can be written in seconds, saving translators valuable time in the beginning stages.

Our AiBT process maintains the purity of the existing Bible translation processes that have been tested, resulting in not only quality Bibles in heart languages, but increased community engagement. The same human systems used for written and oral Bible translations are used with AiBT assistance. Humans will still conduct team checks, committee review, and exegetical checks by a Bible consultant. View Seed Company’s Mark Farr’s endorsement of AiBT here.

Literacy Programs

We partner with language communities to plan and launch mother-tongue literacy programs to preserve indigenous cultures. Many of the communities we work with have never had a writing system. We provide training and workshops for locals in order to implement, and run literacy programs in their communities, always emphasizing community ownership and responsibility.
a Priest holding a large stack of Bibles standing in a field
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